Google releases Pebble code as founder crafts new smartwatch

Google releases Pebble code as founder crafts new smartwatch

Photo of Pebble watches as Google releases the PebbleOS source code and founder Eric Migicovsky plans to release a brand new smartwatch in the beloved line of pioneering wearables.

Google has released the source code for the OS behind Pebble, giving a boost to the community that keeps the innovative smartwatch alive.

This announcement comes as new Pebble hardware is on the way, with founder Eric Migicovsky confirming plans for a modern reboot of the popular smartwatch.

Pebble first gained global attention with its Kickstarter campaigns in 2012 and 2015. Not only did Pebble set records for crowdfunding, but it also sold over two million devices in just four years. Supported by an enthusiastic community of developers, the platform offered more than 10,000 apps and custom watch faces at its peak.

However, Pebble's journey came to a sudden stop in 2016 when Fitbit acquired the company's intellectual property. This marked the end of Pebble as a business, but its lightweight operating system and unique smartwatch design kept a devoted following. Fitbit was later acquired by Google in 2021, with PebbleOS quietly becoming part of Google's portfolio.

Even though hardware production and official support ended years ago, many original Pebble devices still work. Thousands of users continue to love their Pebble watches for their simplicity, long battery life, and unique features that modern alternatives can't match.

"Pebble still has thousands of dedicated fans," Google mentioned in its announcement.

Supporting the Passionate Pebble Community

Google's decision to release most of the PebbleOS source code is seen as a gesture of goodwill to the loyal Pebble user base and the active Rebble community, which has been working hard to support and enhance functionality for the aging devices.

The open-source code includes Pebble OS’s core components, which provide popular features like notifications, media controls, fitness tracking, and customizable apps and watch faces. Built on FreeRTOS for low-power ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers, the architecture is lightweight, optimized for long battery life, and designed for e-ink displays—a design approach missing in today’s smartwatch market.

While this release offers great potential, there are some important limitations.

“It’s important to note that some proprietary code was removed from this codebase, particularly for chipset support and the Bluetooth stack,” explained Google. “This means the code being released contains all the build system files (using the Waf build system), but it will not compile or link as released.”

The gaps left by proprietary exclusions may create challenges, but Google is hopeful that Rebble volunteers and other developers can overcome these limitations to continue Pebble’s legacy into the future.

A New Pebble Smartwatch by the Original Visionary

Pebble founder Eric Migicovsky has announced plans to create a modern version of the Pebble smartwatch.

"I've tried every smartwatch available, but none meet my needs. No one makes a smartwatch with the essential features I want," Migicovsky explained.